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Shipping Information

Orders will be shipped F.O.B. our warehouse using the most economical method, other than parcel post unless directed otherwise. We endeavor to keep all items in stock, however this is not always possible. We therefore ask for the right to ship back orders at your expense. If you choose not to pay the transportation on back orders please indicate this by marking \”Cancel All Back Orders\” on your order.

Terms and Pricing

All prices do not include taxes and are subject to change without notice. Regular payment terms are Net 30 days. Overdue invoices will be charged interest at a rate of 2 per cent per month.

Return Merchandise

Merchandise can only be returned with our permission. Upon approval we will issue an authorization acceptance number. Unauthorized returns will be refused. Under certain conditions a handling charge of 15 per cent may be applied.


When shortages occur, be sure to check the carton count prior to signing the trucker\’s freight bill. Sign only for the amount of cartons received. Damaged cartons must also be noted on the freight bill.

For a Dealer Near You

Sherdale Mfg. Inc. is a manufacturer & distributor that supplies retail customers.  It is not our policy to sell directly to the consumer.  If you are interested in purchasing some of the products shown on our website, please contact us by e-mail or by phone and we will direct you to a dealer near you.